Make Your Job Search Easier with AuthoredUp and Zenbe

By Greg Fobbs - CMO, Zenbe

February 17th 2023

job search LinkedIn
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In today's job market, networking and presence is everything. With the global emergence of the internet, innovative communication tools are becoming available for job seekers looking to get ahead. One such tool is LinkedIn - a professional platform where job seekers can showcase their experience, qualifications and credentials in order to stand out to potential employers. Yet with the overwhelming amount of content available, the job search can become even more competitive - if not unmanageable. That’s where tools like AuthoredUP and Zenbe come into play.

These extensions help users generate content, build their own professional network, and stay visible in a market that is flooded with talent. AuthoredUP provides users with formatting tools and a wonderful user interface to write LinkedIn posts that people will love. Zenbe’s focus is on helping people come up with ideas on what to post and automating tedious tasks that take the most time for a content creator.

But these tools are not just for content creators. Building a presence on LinkedIn is crucial during the job search. Having tools that can format and generate high quality content is invaluable.

In the digital age, where you can’t always control circumstances, controlling what you can is key. By taking advantage of AuthoredUP and Zenbe, job seekers can work smarter and get faster results. And that’s what it takes to land that dream job in an ever-changing job landscape.